BLDF proposes that the project have two phases:
Phase 1: the establishment of the physical infrastructure and the recruitment/appointment of appropriate staff for the the Center; and
Phase 2: the start-up operations of the Center taking into account the need to reach as many drug abuse victims as possible so as to create impact in the overall situation.
The objective for Phase 1 is to establish the Center with the required facilities and staffing. Phase 2 will aim for the full operations of the Center, reaching target clientele among the poor and disadvantaged families, while ensuring sustainability for the center.
BLDF seeks to be part of these two phases of the project and participate towards sustainable operations starting on Phase 3 after a comprehensive assessment of the previous two phases.
It is proposed that NDRC Davao, which is a noted rehabilitation and psychological services facility with a pool of medical experts in the field and an international network of similar institutions, considers NDRC Bohol as an affiliate and part of its corporate social responsibility, In this way, NDRC Davao will be able to expand its outreach to clients who belong to the relatively disadvantaged sectors of the population.
BLDF will make available the use of a piece of land in Baclayon appropriate for the facility patterned after BDRC Davao. Its network of development experts and volunteers, starting from the predecessor UNICEF-assisted Ilaw International Center, will be made available in terms of related areas such as poverty reduction and sustainable development, as well as expertise in undertaking advocacy and fund raising campaign in support of the proposed Phase 1 in the establishment of the center.
Once this is approved, BLDF will organize formally a Secretariat for the fund-raising activities taking into account the need to design the infrastructure to be put on the donated land. The design will be the basis for infrastructure cost will be part of determining the target for the fund raising campaign.
BLDF will organize a Technical Working Group from among interested stakeholders of the project, namely, Holy Name University, which has a Psychology Department; a consortium of faith-based organizations keen on development issues; and a cluster of Local Government Units (LGUs) within the catchment area of the facility; private sector entities in Tagbilaran City and the municipalities who have expressed concern about the drug menace in the province and are willing to help put up a relevant rehabilitation facility.
While the fund-raising and infrastructure building activities are on-going, the Technical Working Group will proceed with the recruitment and training of the core staff in coordination with NDRC Davao.
Key Activities
The preparatory activities will include the following:
Consult with NDRC Director and/or NDRC Davao on how to proceed with the proposed project.
Revise the draft Project Concept as appropriate.
Organize a project core team to review the concept prior to discussing the revised project concept with NDRC Davao.
Show the project core team the proposed site to be donated as site of NDRC Bohol.
Have the architect visit the proposed site in Bohol.
Have the architect visit NDRC Davao for his orientation on the design of the facility
Make the architect prepare a design and costing for the proposed facility.
Organize a Technical Working Group to work on the program of the Center and the required
Prepare the costing in running the Center for one year.
Prepare an Advocacy and Fund Raising Campaign for NDRC Bohol with advice from NDRC
Conduct a joint meeting of the Secretariat with the NDRC Davao on the draft work plan to be
NDRC Davao will provide advice in the planning and implementation of Phases 1 & 2 of the project.
BLDF will assume the responsibility of organizing the Secretariat and the other relevant committees for the implementation of Phases 1 and 2. It will initially form a core team to liaise with NDRC Davao in the formulation of the work plan for Advocacy and Fund Raising.
Note: BLDF invites comments or feedbacks to this proposal.
Nestor M. Pestelos
President, Bohol Local Development Foundation, Inc.
NMP/24 Dec 2014/8.14 p.m.