Thursday, April 02, 2015


For The Bohol Tribune
In This Our Journey

Thursday it is and I am aware I am writing this column for Sunday, which is Easter, a celebration for the Risen Christ, a symbol of hope and redemption for Christians. I am sure other religions have similar symbols for what is basically a faith in the resilience of the human spirit although expressed in different ways.

The other evening, Holy Wednesday, I watched from a window the procession passing below, a scene many of us here in our town, Baclayon, never failed to watch or join year after year. Someone from us here on this particular evening, among those relegated to the role of viewers  due to arthritic knees or whatever ails the flesh or spirit, had the good sense to count the number of carosas or floats/carriages and reported that there were 19 in all.

The subliminal message from the loud announcement of the number seemed to be - our faith remains secure despite the seemingly insurmountable problems which tend to shake our sense of well-being and faith in our capacity to look after one another. I could almost hear the unspoken message: see it was only 17 last year!

As in similar processions for other religious occasions, each carriage was decorated with candles and fresh flowers and there was the sculpted image of Jesus, the Virgin Mary or the saints whose carriage was prepared for the occasion by a family or a barangay. 

Yes, it takes more than a village to maintain such an elaborate religious procession, complete with floats and clusters of people following each carriage, alternately singing and saying their prayers. As I watched from the window nursing a sore knee from going up and down the stairs in my in-laws’ place, it occurred to me that as surely as there is the gloom during the first few days of Lent, a new day awaits us in the end, our faith in ourselves intact and a new surge of energy propelling us to pursue our dream.

I told myself repeatedly after the procession that surely a community which can galvanize support from individuals and families to organize participation in an elaborate traditional ritual such as a religious procession has the subjective force in the form of a collective will to pursue any dream at all consistent with a religious conviction or a development objective.

I brought to this Wednesday night the cross that I and a few friends have been carrying the most part of 2014 until this year: the knowledge that the so-called drug menace in Bohol has actually become a major social monster ready to devour us if we do not get our acts together. Since 20 April 2014 when we started monitoring this problem through a compilation of clippings from three newspapers in the province, until our last entry on 29 March 2015, drug-related news stories reached 107, mostly on killings and arrests of what the media call “drug personalities.”

 Except for one editorial and a column, there seemed to be a grand silence about what is generally perceived as a controversial issue or a tendency to be laid-back about the torrents of drug-related news regarding events which may have succeeded to bring about a feeling of helplessness among many people. I have written about this issue three times in this column: “The ‘Terrorism of Gossip’ and the Drug Menace in Bohol” (24 -25 Jan 2015); “The Road Not Taken”, 21 – 22 Feb 2015); “A Challenge to NGOs in Bohol”, 22 – 28 Mar 2015). Not a single feedback except from my wife and close friends, mostly in dismay and sympathy!

Perhaps it is again worth clarifying here that our cause is to address the social problems brought about by the increasing number of those with drug addiction in the province. We leave the identification and arrest of those involved in the illegal drug trade to the Government which is mandated to perform this role.

Our NGO, the Bohol Local Development Foundation, Inc., successor of the UNICEF-assisted Ilaw International Center, is committed to the cause of helping build the New Day Recovery Center Bohol patterned after a similar facility in Davao City. The Diocese of Tagbilaran has encouraged us to submit a detailed proposal towards this end which BLDF is now doing with the full participation of colleagues from NDRC Davao. Hopefully, by next week, we will be able to submit the detailed proposal based on a concept approved by our other key partners, Holy Name University and the Kasing-Sining Association.

As we have discussed with colleagues from the Government, CSOs, including NGOs and the academe, we subscribe to the following principles of the United Nations in translating the concept we submitted to key partners into a workable and sustainable framework for project preparation which will lead to the establishment of the proposed NDRC :

·         Drug dependence is a complex and multidimensional disorder involving individual, cultural, biological, social and environmental factors.

·         Drug dependence is as much a disorder of the brain as any other neurological or psychiatric illness.

·         One of the main barriers to treatment and care is the stigma and discrimination associated with this treatable health disorder.

·         Drug dependence treatment needs a comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach including both pharmacological and psychosocial interventions.

·         Drug dependence can be treated effectively with low-cost medications and standardized psychological therapies.

BLDF and its key partners (Diocese of Tagbilaran, NDRC Davao, Holy Name University, Kasing Sining Association} agree with the UN that our goal is to “ remove barriers to low-cost, effective and evidence-based drug treatment services … and to provide diversified, effective and quality drug dependence treatment and rehabilitation services.”

In the pursuit of this goal, BLDF as a pro-poor NGO, will join counterparts from the Government, CSOs and faith-based organizations, in ensuring that victims of drug abuse and other addictions will have access to quality pre-treatment and treatment services as those given to clients whose families can afford the costs of quality services.

 According to the UN Office for Drugs and Crimes, the strategy to achieve this goal will include three lines of action:


  • Promoting a sound understanding of drug dependence treatment and care …  and the recognition of drug dependence as a health disorder that requires a multidisciplinary and comprehensive approach;
Capacity Building

  • Improving the technical skills and capacity of drug dependence treatment and care service providers . . . through a "train the trainers" approach
  • Through the training of trainers approach, a mobile core team of trainers  will train service providers or NDRC community facilitators in their own communities.
Service Improvement

  • Supporting the development and improvement of evidence-based treatment and care services that provide a continuum of care objective to treatment at the local level
  • Provincial and sub-provincial networks of governments, treatment centres, primary health care services, universities and NGOs will disseminate evidence-based good practice in drug dependence treatment that includes accessibility to treatment alongside social integration and rehabilitation.

With the support of NDRC Davao, and with the encouragement of the Diocese of Tagbilaran, we are now on the final stage of preparing a detailed project document on the proposed New Day Recovery Center (NDRC) Bohol. There is a role for Government, the private sector and civil society in this project that will hopefully bring about a new day in our province after the initial gloomy days of our journey towards deliverance from these social ills which now afflict us. #newdaybohol.  

NMP/02Apr2015/3.58 p.m. 

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